Studies in rodents and monkeys have repeatedly shown that exposure to anesthesia at a very young age kills brain cells.
Even at a young age when storms were near, I would be out watching the sky.
And at the young age of 21, Taylor has already made a major impact on music and has been an incredible role model for aspiring artists and young women everywhere.
Add to that the fact that at the young age of 25 the quality of a man「s sperm begins to decline, it truly is a miracle that any of them ever reach the finish line.
During this winter season in the northern hemisphere, some countries continue to see cases of severe H1N1 disease in a comparatively young age group.
But this virus can kill and does so in a comparatively young age group.
Raised in New York City, Mailer entered Harvard University at the unusually young age of 16. His plan was to become an engineer.
Because Steve Jobs died at such a relatively young age (56) this is destined to be regarded as a classic.
You will do them a big - a HUGE - favor, if you teach them at a young age to avoid associating happiness with the accumulation of material possessions.
After a four year battle, Megan」s mom died at the young age of 39.
Dan saw the magic and the potential in people and I think that's a wonderful quality to have, and to do that at such a young age is really very special.
I had an uncle who died at a relatively young age in a workplace accident and I was asked to produce a newspaper article or obituary verifying my claim.