n. (总称)青年人,年轻人;幼鸟,幼崽
adj. 最幼小的,最不成熟的;最年轻的;最(显得)年轻的
2025-01-07 12:51 浏览次数 6
n. (总称)青年人,年轻人;幼鸟,幼崽
adj. 最幼小的,最不成熟的;最年轻的;最(显得)年轻的
1. one that is the least old especially the youngest child or member of a family
2. the least old member especially of a family
His youngest is a toddler.
youngest sonThe youngest son hero of [[Boots Who Ate a Match With the Troll confronts a troll. (Illustration by Theodor Kittelsen)]]
Youngest sister幺妹
Their Youngest他们中最小
Youngest caps最年轻球员
youngest daughter最小的女儿
The youngest最年轻
youngest sediment甚年轻沉积物
youngest damsel老闺女
You can see as well as I, 「 said Retty, the auburn-haired and youngest girl, without removing her eyes from the window.
My unsentimental, overworked father? Leaning back in his recliner, his burdens chased away by tears of joy at hearing his youngest child play his favorite song.
The world」s 20 youngest billionaires are evidence that enormous fortunes can be created in far less than a lifetime. All of them are under 40.
So needless to say I had a new zero, we had 30 employees, I was the youngest employee, in fact, CEO as the CEO at the corner office on this nice big office building, looking at the Bushire Boulevard.
Now he and his two wives are trying to provide for their 10 children, the youngest born a week after the uprising began.
The parents die on route, and the seven children — the youngest just an infant — continue on their own.
He grabbed his children, the youngest only three, and fled.
Ironically, these youngest children were actually the most scientific of the bunch, perhaps because they interpreted 「invisible」 to mean simply 「not present in the room」 rather than 「transparent.」
She used the royalties to purchase a run-down farmhouse in New Hampshire, where she raised four children without the aid of electricity or running water until her youngest child was five years old.
My opinion never counts because I’m the youngest in my family.
A 13-year-old Jackson was the youngest member of the group that churned out hits such as ABC and I Want you Back.
What qualifications does Kim「s youngest son bring with him?
Richard Loeb was the youngest graduate in the history of the University of Michigan.
But there were surprising differences in the risks and benefits of estrogen use on heart risk when comparing the youngest and oldest women in the study.
She was the youngest in her family, and the only girl.
It is hoped that the family will lend the painting to Auckland Castle later this year, so Jacob」s youngest son can, at least temporarily, rejoin his brothers.
Last week one of my kids told me that my friend's youngest son missed out on a ski trip with the rest of his class because of the expense, even though the cost was minimal (to those of us with jobs).
She was the youngest of five brothers and sisters, so we were part of a larger family.
Haggis related a story about Katy, the youngest of three daughters from his first marriage, who lost the friendship of a fellow-Scientologist after revealing that she was gay.
Grandpa had died; we lived a hundred miles away, and dad, her youngest son, my daddy, no longer lived with us.
For the girls on this team, the youngest 15, the oldest 30, playing at competition level is living a dream.
Sayako is the youngest child of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko and the last of their three children to wed.