「it was a young one as it is much smaller than the other hippos and always stayed close to its mother, 」said will, 26.
almost every single one, including the major young one right now. i「m not gonna say names, but [they] clearly had it done.
an english gentleman caught a young one and put him at first in a cage. after a while he let him out in a room where there was a great variety of things.
and what did you hear, my darling young one ?
and what」ll you do now my darling young one ?
when songs of spring are sung, remember that morning in may. remember, you loved me, when we were young one day.
「 look at the young one there, 」 says a child.
but for now – young one – you have much to learn. visit your jedi training page
remember that morning in may, remember you loved me , when we were young one day. 「(」
spider monkeys, like this young one in bolivia「s madidi national park, are dependent on their mothers for about ten weeks after birth.
had he ever talked to them?there was that young one he」d said thanks to who'd kicked his football back tohim across southport road, away from the traffic.
the young one looked kind of confused, it would stand by the mother and then hop off and chew some grass, and then come right back again.
the two irishmen watched them go, then climbed into the black mercedes - the young one behind the wheel, the older man in the passenger seat. the finely tuned engine purred to life.
there is only one difference between an old man and a young one ;