but i believe your opinion of him would in general astonish -- and perhaps you would not express it quite so strongly anywhere else.
can i ask your opinion about that thing?
the fact is, if you based your opinion of jsf on its admittedly extensive specification -- with all its lifecycle diagrams and pictures -- then the technology could easily scare the mess out of you.
does anyone ask your opinion about whether a project should be implemented—now, or ever?
not everyone is going to agree with you, but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion.
your speech came across very well, everyone understands your opinion now.
what’s your opinion of the situation?
you should revise your opinion of him.
well, you have your opinion and i have mine.
if you are on the train and you see someone reading a book, ask them about it, or better yet, if you’ve read it, offer your opinion about it.