we can meet your requirements and the offer is ready for you.
you must also ensure that the resulting installation meets your requirements before final deployment.
but what if part of your requirements is to follow a more stringent set of rules?
this helps ensure that you understand your requirements and it helps provide a good user experience when you run the software.
this example omits the actual handling of the queue because it「s specific to your requirements and involves many concurrency subtleties.
now, leta€?s suppose that strengthening your requirements and analysis capabilities is your first priority.
the last two chapters give you information for managing requirements and change, and adapting your requirements to different project types.
your requirements help to define those windows and the content or data within each one.
rm tools can also help with baselining: taking a 「snapshot」 of your requirements at a particular point in time that you can compare to future snapshots.
however, if your requirements are going to change (and whose aren」t?), then you'll run into problems with having to change both the map and the class.
但是,如果您的需求要改变(谁的不会变呢?) ,那么您就面临着这样的问题:映射和类都必须更改。
it also provides a branch point in the project lifecycle that you can reference, should you want to copy your requirements for a new development effort.
you can also import your requirements into from various file formats.
you must have the ability to communicate with stakeholders of highly mixed backgrounds to extract and refine your requirements and to describe the architecture to those stakeholders.