n. 青少年;青年时代
2025-01-07 12:52 浏览次数 5
n. 青少年;青年时代
1. the time of life when one is young especially the period between childhood and maturity
2. the early period of existence, growth, or development
3. a young person especially a young male between adolescence and maturity
4. young persons or creatures —usually plural in construction
5. the quality or state of being youthful youthfulness
6. the time of life when someone is young the time when a young person has not yet become an adult
7. the time when something is new and not yet established
8. a teenage boy or young man
9. the time of life between being a child and an adult
He spent his youth in Europe.
10. a young man
an imaginative youth
11. young people
the youth of today
12. the quality or state of being young Her youth proved to be an advantage.
youth center青年中心;青年厅堂;青年活动中心
shenzhen youths深圳青年
youth movement青年运动
youth group青年组织(通常为教会或政治组织等创办)
fountain of youth青春之泉
youth league青年团
youth is a blunder青年冒失莽撞
youth centre青少年活动中心;青年中心
youth day青年节
youth culture青年文化;青年人的爱好
youth hostel青年招待所;青年(学生)宿舍
youth club青年俱乐部;青年会社
Social youths社会青年
Rural Youths农村青年
Two Youths两个年轻人
Chinese Youths中国青年
Wexford Youths韦克斯福德青年
chinese communist youth league中国共产主义青年团
the communist youth league共产主义青年团
migrated youths移居青年
disorderly youths任性的年轻人
Many youths can only get through by borrowing money, and it means they have to earn more money when they graduate.
Dear athletes, remember that you are role models for the youths of the world. Reject doping and cheating.
Drunken youths still gather in the town centre at dusk, and raucous music belches from amusement parlours along the seafront, mingling with the aroma of fish and chips.
They hardly took note of the youths gathered there for training.
He theorizes that people join terrorist organizations worldwide in order to be part of a community, much like the reason inner-city youths join gangs in the United States.
Sitting together in a small red-tiled shack, one says her 25-year-old son has disappeared, like hundreds of Tamil youths in the past three years.
In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.
Up until this point, I had assumed it was some youths playing a prank with me.
Given that many youths may not be sufficiently mature to cope with such problems, they go in the undesirable direction of delinquency, drugs, vandalism, stealing, etc.
「Usually we think of this kind of thing being used by middle-class youths and intellectuals,」 Professor Yang said.
His defence team argued it was 「non-insane automatism」 brought on by the stress of the youths in the car park.
Perhaps more encouragingly, the study found that nearly three-quarters of youths aged 15-29 have used the Internet, and almost half of them have read books on the web.
Unlike the rioting youths in the banlieues, the objective of the students and public-sector trade unions is to prevent change, and to keep France the way it is.
Some 20 truncheon-wielding Roma youths beat up six young white men outside a disco.
The Mosquito, a device that emits a screeching sound at a pitch heard only by young people, is designed to so irritate youths that it deters them from loitering.
We know virtually nothing, for instance, about how youths who are already prone to violent behavior, such as those exposed to violence at home and in their neighborhoods, use these games.
Despite riot police positioned across the city, gangs of youths on mountain bikes, their faces masked, prowled the streets.
At least one person was killed in protests by jobless and ill-paid youths in Sohar, a port city in hitherto peaceful Oman.
The Yunnan Youth Development Foundation built a volunteer station on the downtown square on Friday, inviting youths in the city to help the victims.
Some youths from Tripoli say they will get weapons and military training in the mountains and then return home.
My father had a long white beard, but I loved him; he was sixty years old, but to me he was handsomer than all the fine youths I saw.