n. [化学] 钇(稀有金属元素,符号Y)
2025-01-07 12:52 浏览次数 7
n. [化学] 钇(稀有金属元素,符号Y)
yttrium hydropyrophosphate焦磷酸氢钇
yttrium oxide[无化] 氧化钇
yttrium nitride氮化钇
yttrium ferrite钇铁氧体
yttrium sulfate硫酸钇
yttrium carbonate碳酸钇
yttrium apatite钇磷灰石
yttrium silicide硅化钇
yttrium bromide溴化钇
Methods Effects of yttrium chloride and praseodymium chloride on human lymphocytes cultured in vitro were studied by micronucleus test.
The influence of deposition current and heat treatment on the yttrium silicates coatings were particularly investigated.
The effect of rare earth elements such as cerium, lanthanum and yttrium on electroless deposition rate of cobalt-nickel-boron alloy was studied.
It suggests that rare-earth elements yttrium and praseodymium have certain genotoxicity.
In this paper, basic principle and thermodynamic process of the electrochemical deoxidation purified rare earth metal yttrium are firstly demonstrated.
Combining X-ray diffraction and SEM-EDX observation, the state analysis method of yttrium in steel was established.
联合x线衍射和SEM -EDX观察等方法建立了钢中钇的状态分析法。
The materials of co-doping sulphur and yttrium shows good electrochemical properties.
A detailed analysis of intensity of IR bands showed that the position of yttrium is situated between erbium and thulium.
Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or of mixtures of these metals.
The variation of coordination bond lengths in the complex compounds of yttrium due to the balance between Van der Waals and coordination bond energies are given.
We can measure the contents of yttrium with EDTA standard solution titration.
The effects of yttrium on the charge discharge behaviour and surface structure of lithium aluminium alloy anode were studied.
With the same pump conditions, the medial section temperature raise of 0.5%(mass fraction) Nd-ion doped neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate crystal is higher than other doped quality index.
在相同泵浦条件下,钕离子掺杂质量分数为0 5%的掺钕钒酸钇晶体中截面处的温升大于其他掺杂质量分数的晶体的相应温升。
A dark mineral consisting of oxides of yttrium and erbium and tantalum and other minerals.
The interference due to variably concentration of sodium, and using of internal standard element yttrium compensate for it were investigated.
Existing white LEDs are also based on blue ones, the light from which is used to excite a phosphor layer made of yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG).
The investigation of effects of rare-earth yttrium and boron, which are in the 3.5% nickel-containing steel welding electrode on low temperature toughness has been carried out.
A mineral that is a source of rare earths; consists of silicates of iron and beryllium and cerium and yttrium and erbium.
Yet according to Cox, yttrium was not even listed in the report.
It is not as though the rare-earth elements-scandium, yttrium and lanthanum plus the 14 so-called lanthanides-are all that rare.
With scandium and yttrium they make up the rare earth metals. their atoms have similar configurations and similar physical and chemical behaviour; the most common valences are3and4
The stabilizing agent may include calcium, magnesium, yttrium salts of oxides and rare earth oxides.