yttrium oxide中文,yttrium oxide的意思,yttrium oxide翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:52 浏览次数 2

yttrium oxide

英[ˈitriəm ˈɔksaid]美[ˈɪtriəm ˈɑkˌsaɪd]

[无化] 氧化钇

yttrium oxide 例句


  • in a first embodiment, the ceramic is formed from yttrium oxide at a molar concentration ranging from about 50 mole % to about 75 mole %;

    在第一实施方式 中,该陶瓷由以下成分形成,即:摩尔浓度变化范围从约50%摩尔比到约75 %摩尔比的氧化钇;

  • the present invention relates to a rare earth ion double-doped or three-doped or three-doped yttrium oxide base up-conversion luminescence material and its preparation method.


  • this paper takes advantage of silicon dioxide thin film and yttrium oxide for surface modification to increase the infrared transmittance of sapphire.


  • another method of increasing vortex pinning involves adding microscopic inclusions of some second material such as yttrium oxide or titanium diboride.


  • the effect of yttrium oxide on microstructure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of weld metal was studied and the active mechanism of yttrium oxide was also discussed.


  • the results showed that the particle size of yttrium oxide could be increased effectively by improving acidity, precipitation temperature, prolonging aging time, and decreasing feeding speed.


  • the large particle yttrium oxide was prepared using oxalic acid as precipitation agent. the effects of preparation conditions on the particle size of yttrium oxide were discussed.


  • yttrium oxide and cerium oxide produced only for the follow-up study done on the basis of feasibility analysis.

