When Zarathustra had heard these words, he bowed to the saint and said: 「What could I have to give to you?」
When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth the forest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance.
People commended unto Zarathustra a wise man, as one who could discourse well about sleep and virtue: greatly was he honoured and rewarded for it, and all the youths sat before his chair.
Zarathustra answered: 「Did I speak of love?」
When Zarathustra had thus spoken, one of the people called out: 「We have now heard enough of the rope-dancer; it is time now for us to see him!」
Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!
Similarly Zarathustra says that creating requires destroying, quote: thus does highest evil below to the higher good but the latter is the creator.
Thereafter Zarathustra again went on for two hours, trusting to the path and the light of the stars: for he was an experienced night-walker, and liked to look into the face of all that slept.
Zarathustra has become a child, an awakened one.
When the morning dawned, however, Zarathustra found himself in a thick forest, and no path was any longer visible.
Now if you would, Eva, play just the beginning of the Zarathustra or the trumpet part.
Many years ago he passed this way; Zarathustra he was called, but he has changed.
He cited the example of Friedrich Nietzsche's thus Spoke Zarathustra (1891), which includes an incident almost directly lifted from a book published in 1835.
The language of Zarathustra is helpful here.
When Zarathustra had said this to his heart, he put the corpse upon his shoulders and set out on his way.
Zarathustra answered: 「Did I speak of love? I am bringing a gift for mankind.」
Zarathustra came down from the mountains alone, meeting no one.
So the thought of eternal return serves Zarathustra as, quote: one more reason for himself to be the eternal yes to all things: the incredible boundless yes sayer.
And thereupon Zarathustra knocked at the door of the house.