the third axis in a 3-dimensional coordinate system
z-axis 片语
Z-axis amplifier轴放大器
Z Z-axis direction Z-轴方向
Z-Axis delay轴长度计算
Z-axis tripZ轴行程
z-axis stressz向应力
Z-axis trip轴行程
Z-axis Stroke主轴行程
Z-axis modulationZ轴调制
z-axis 例句
We have two of them on the z-axis like this.
The methods of the residual stress relief are presented and an improved z-axis gyroscope is designed.
For example, the moment of inertia about the z-axis is dV the triple integral of x squared plus y squared density dV.
That is a vector field in which the trajectories are going to be circles centered in the z-axis and our vector field is just going to be tangent to each of these circles.