the invention discloses a zebra fish p-selectin gene and a protein.
objective to study the molluscicidal activity, the influence on glycogen content of oncomelania hupensis and the acute toxicity to zebra fish of the extract from phytolacca americana linn leaf.
on this basis, the pesticides combined pollution's toxic effects to aquatic creature, zebra fish (brachydanio rerio), are studied.
they treated zebra fish with extra melatonin during the day, boosting the hormone levels to night-time amounts.
they treated zebra fish with extra melatonin during the day, boosting the hormone levels to night-time amounts.
they found that small striped minnows called zebra fish learned very well during the day but very poorly at night, when melatonin levels are higher.
the effect of the different concentration of diesel oil on mortality rate, superoxide dismutase(sod) and catalase(cat) of zebra fish was studied.
when i watched a tiny zebra fish for over three hours through a confocal microscope, waiting for it to feed on paramecium, the patience needed for research became apparent.
he has a ph. d. in biochemistry from the university of dundee in scotland and oversees a pan-european project to exploit zebra fish as a model for researching human development and diseases.
scientists have found that small male zebra fish adopt sneaky tactics to improve their chances of reproducing, the bbc reported.
the zebra fish p-selectin gene and the encoded gene can be used for preparing drugs for preventing and treating the thrombotic diseases.
the invention belongs to the technical field of biology measurement, in particular to a method of measuring the heart rate of the zebra fish by utilizing a high-speed ccd.
so, it is no surprise that scientists at the university of pittsburgh in pennsylvania are using tiny zebra fish to regenerate severely damaged mouse hearts.
in one laboratory, which investigates reticulospinal neurons, i learned how to use a high-speed camera to record the behaviors of larval zebra fish that had specific nerve cells ablated.