weaving process of zein fibre jean is mainly discussed . technique process step and style of jean is introduced.
this paper does research on the condition of zein film formation and its fresh preservation effect.
weaving process of zein fibre jean is mainly discussed. technique process step and style of jean is introduced.
zein microsphere tablets improved the stability of the zein microsphere enclosed drugs in suspension and suppressed the phenomenon of sudden release at the first stage of delivery.
the research status of zein film was analyzed and the prospect of zein film was predicted.
zein el din mohamed aly, the cto「s director, says the previous rebel boy fighters range from 14 to 18 years old.
zein is the major storage protein of corn and comprises 45%~50% of total protein in corn.
the experimental results indicated that zein could be used as a delayed-release skeleton material.
the composition of zein was introduced in this paper. the advance study on the extraction, decolorizing methods and applications of zein were also reviewed in the paper.
the film forming conditions of zein are discussed, zein is soluble in 80% ethanol. the solution may be spread on smooth stainless steel plate at 40℃ to form edible film with definite strength.
the properties of zein films were affected by cold storage temperature.
the use potassium as base stage fertilizing can increase the starch content but glutenin and zein contents decline.
in order to preserve green peppers, tomatoes, sausages and salted meat fresh, zein films were used and differentplasticizers were added.
effect of acei peptides of zein on spontaneously hypertensive rat(shr) blood pressure was studied by way of ig and iv.
the data illustrated the zein films can」t be digested in vivo, but can be degraded in basic environment.
the property of zein films such as strenth, moisture resistance, transparency and water tolerance are also evaluated.
the conclusion explains the position of chen's wen zein chinese rhetoric history and its influence to descendants.
zein film is a green packing material, it possesses many functional properties, such as gas-resisting, oil-resisting, fragrance -holding, humidity -preventing and ultraviolet radiation-preventing.
some new ways of extracting zein were introduced; also the purity and decolouring of zein were discussed.