while there are no other details about the project, both zdnet and the wall street journal have confirmed the rumors that came out of zeitgeist today.
关于此项目的其他细节无从得知,但今天zdnet和华尔街日报都已经证实zeitgeist 发布会上的传言。
pundits are mixed on whether foursquare represents a major technology trend or a fad but undoubtedly it has captured the zeitgeist of the technology elite at this moment in time.
a cynical view of mr brin’s zeitgeist announcement is that it was just a marketing stunt.
hawking responded to questions posed by the guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the google zeitgeist meeting in london, in which he will address the question: "why are we here?
对《卫报》所提出的问题,霍金都一一作了解答。 此外,他还提前回答了一位读者提出的问题:人类存在的目的是什么?这个问题本来是预备拿到第二天在伦敦召开的googlezeitgeist大会上进行讨论的。
virtual world second life, where people represented by animated proxies interact in digitized fantasy settings, is the final social networking property in the zeitgeist top ten.
but the zeitgeist of 2010 has been all about shanghai, all decked out and refurbished for the world expo, which runs through oct. 31.
not because ideology divides the parties fundamentally, as it did in 1979. not because a bold new zeitgeist dawns, as it did in 1997.
ji met with joseph at a coffee shop in venice beach, as arranged by a member of the ventura county chapter of the zeitgeist movement.
although we will focus on groovy in this article, the zeitgeist demands a comparison with the much loved and feared ruby.
but nagging questions remain over twitter's potential to be a successful business and be more than just another zeitgeist term for social media.
it is good at one thing, and for now the zeitgeist has turned against it.
the idea enjoyed some success in the turn-of-the-century zeitgeist of corporate social responsibility, climate change and fair trade.