CONCLUSIONS the theory of zero defect is appropriate in hospital infection management.
Objective To investigate the effect of zero defect theory on nursing management in pediatric operation.
According to the need of rejuvenating the aviation industry, the train of thought and the method to rejuvenating the aeronautical manufacturing industry with zero defect management are put forward.
The town house will be of zero defect quality and therefore be ecologically and environmentally advanced.
Importing high-precision CNC cutting equipment as a powerful assurance of zero defect for quality.
These are engineered to bring the Printed Circuit Board Industry a step closer to zero defect production.
Automatically drawn-in warps are characterized by zero defect and high quality, and they are available as required for production in a fraction of the time compared with manual drawing-in.
Our Company has established a young technical and management team, implemented human and scientific management and zero defect control on products in accordance with ISO9001 Quality management System.
公司拥有一支年轻的专业技术和管理人才,实行人性化的科学管理,按照ISO 9001质量体系要求,对产品质量零缺陷控制。
Pursuing high quality is our consistent policy, zero defect is our goal, servicing customers is our foundation.
Electrical engineers produce large scale integrated circuits at near zero defect even though they contain millions of transistors.
The implementation of zero defect quality management will help the company to achieve world class zero defect quality in design, manufacturing and service.
Six Sigma technology turned operation into mathematical statistics, the pursuit of zero defect quality management concepts used in the steel business for some time.
Service goal of zero defect service, 100% customer satisfaction.