Clad in his thermal duck hunting clothes, Zimmer was one of the few fishermen on the lake that morning.
It「s time to shape cities around people not cars, Zimmer says.
And while there is some tension and a bit of denial because of recent strong sales Numbers, Zimmer says some automakers understand what」s coming.
An earlier reactor was the Zimmer Power plant in Cincinnati, which was originally designed as a nuclear plant but it was converted to natural gas before it began operating.
Zimmer was using a 12-foot crappie pole outfitted with 4-pound test and a slip cork.
The ballrooms are heavily used, Zimmer says, and a large, planned event for this space was looming.
It didn「t take long for Zimmer to realize he had landed on a school of crappie.
In order to finish by the deadline, Zimmer says in addition to team members picking up the pace, it also helped to preorder the furnishings, fixtures and equipment.
Still, Zimmer believes the era of car-centric cities is ending.
When he hooked it, Zimmer didn」t think it was a crappie.
「It was unbelievable,」 Zimmer said.
「It might even be better than catching the state record because I might have gotten more publicity than I wanted,」 Zimmer said.
「Next thing you know, they'll be people all over the place fishing for crappie,」 Zimmer said with a laugh.