1. any of various compounds (as the sodium hydroxo-zincates Na[ZN(OH)3].3H2O and Na2[Zn(OH)4].2H2O) formed by reaction of zinc oxide or zinc with solutions of alkalies
zincate 片语
sodium zincate锌酸钠
chromium zincate锌酸铬
strontium zincate锌酸锶
zincate plating镀锌
zincate system锌酸盐体系
alkaline zincate堿性锌酸盐
calcium zincate锌酸钙
barium zincate锌酸钡
zincate 例句
The factors of affecting on the reaction were discussed and the reaction activities of various bromo hydrocarbons reaction with zincate were given.
A called 「178」 brightening agent for alkaline zincate bath was prepared by condensation, quaternization.
With this method the concentration of DE in zinc plating bath of zincate can be satisfactorily determined. This method, in principle, is applicable tod…
A called 「178」 brightening agent for alkaline zincate bath was prepared by condensation, quaternization. The process conditions, properties of the bath and the deposit were also investigated.
The effects of pulse current, frequency, duty ratio and inverse current in zincate system on the appearance and corrosion resistance of zinc coating are investigated.
The new carbon-rich zinc process, although based on the alkaline zincate electrolyte, overcomes the hydrogen overvoltage problem, and is capable of direct plating on a variety of castiron surfaces.