The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.
The United States joined Israel in walking out of that meeting because of document language about Israel and Zionism that U.S. officials considered anti-Semitic.
Zionism is the name of the national movement of the Jewish people and is the modern expression of the ancient Jewish heritage.
His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals.
The century-long conflict between Zionism and the Arabs of Palestine has been hard enough to settle on its own, without additional global and regional rivalries superimposed.
Before the Cold War, the theory and practice of independence between the Congress Party and Zionism is different.
Zionism is to the Jewish people what the liberation movement of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples.
The religious feelings centering on the Jew and the national spirit make the Jewish nation avoid assimilating from other nations and make the Zionism movements successful finally.
During the early period of the Zionism movement, there were a very intense conflict between Zionism and the Vatican.
The Mubarak regime was always saying that Zionism and the Jews were our enemy.
The realization of Zionism could only be accomplished through the insistence on the principle of Jewish labor.
In fact Israel may not have come to exist were it not for Europe, as Zionism was born out of frustrated hopes and despair on the continent.
Chinese government resolutely supports Palestinian and Arab peoples' campaign against Zionism for reclaiming their lost territory and restoring national rights. Their struggle is a just one.
Yet Israeli society as a whole has been engaged, for the last fifty years, in a continuous external conflict: the conflict between Zionism and the Arab world, particularly the Palestinians.
That gave religious Zionism new credibility.