1. a burrowing rodent (Myotalpa aspalax) native to the Altai mountains that resembles a mole rat
zokor 片语
smith s zokor斯氏鼢鼠
zokor density鼢鼠密度
Plateau zokor高原鼢鼠
china zokor中华鼢鼠
Manchurian Zokor东北鼢鼠
zokor pest东北鼢鼠鼠害
Chinese zokorThe Chinese zokor (Eospalax fontanierii) is a species of rodents in the Spalacidae family, endemic to Chin
Gansu zokor甘肃鼢鼠
zokor 例句
detailed studies of zokor on its food habit, habitat preference and damage ways showed that soft and moist soils with abundance food are zokor's favorite factors.