v. 环绕;将…分成区(zone的过去分词)
adj. 束带的;划成区域的
2025-01-07 12:55 浏览次数 1
v. 环绕;将…分成区(zone的过去分词)
adj. 束带的;划成区域的
1. any of five great divisions of the earth's surface with respect to latitude and temperature — compare frigid zone, temperate zone, torrid zone
2. a portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes
3. girdle, belt
4. an encircling anatomical structure
5. a subdivision of a biogeographic region that supports a similar fauna and flora throughout its extent
6. such a zone dominated by a particular life form
7. a distinctive belt, layer, or series of layers of earth materials (such as rock)
8. a region or area set off as distinct from surrounding or adjoining parts
9. one of the sections of an area or territory created for a particular purpose: such as
10. a zoned section of a city
11. any of the eight concentric bands of territory centered on a given postal shipment point designated as a distance bracket for U.S. parcel post to which mail is charged at a single rate
12. a distance within which the same fare is charged by a common carrier
13. an area on a field of play
14. a stretch of roadway or a space in which certain traffic regulations are in force
15. zone defense
16. a temporary state of heightened concentration experienced by a performing athlete that enables peak performance
players in the zone
17. to surround with a zone encircle
18. to arrange in or mark off into zones specifically to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (such as residence or business)
19. zonal sense 1
20. of, relating to, or occurring in a zone defense
a zone press a zone blitz
21. an area that is different from other areas in a particular way
22. one of the sections in a city or town that is used for a particular purpose
23. to officially say that (a section in a city, town, etc.) can be used for a particular purpose (such as business or housing)
24. a region or area set off or characterized as different from surrounding or neighboring parts
The United States is located in one of earth's temperate zones.
25. one of the sections of an area created for or serving a particular use or purpose
a town's business zone
26. to divide into sections for different uses or purposes This area is zoned for residential use.
27. a region or area set off as distinct
28. a specifically designated section of a larger area or territory: as
29. a section of a municipality controlled by specific restrictions on permitted use (as for residences or agriculture)
30. a stretch of roadway or a space within which certain traffic regulations are in force
31. to partition (as a city or town) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (as residence or business)
32. to designate the permitted use of (property) by placement in a municipal zone
land zoned for agricultural use
33. to restrict different kinds of (use) to different areas
the power to zone land use within its borders
industrial zone工业区
free trade zone[贸易] 自由贸易区
Zoned structure环带状结构
zoned plagioclase带状斜长石
contact zone接触区;接触地带
Zoned phlogopite环带金云母
shear zone剪切区域;[地质] 剪碎带
in the zone专注地,专心致志地
economic zone经济特区;经济圈;经济地带
export processing zone出口加工区
special economic zone (sez)经济特区
special economic zone[经] 经济特区
fault zone[地质] 断裂带;[地质] 断层带,断层区
economic development zone[经] 经济开发区
fractured zoned裂隙带
time zone时区
fracture zone断裂带;[地质] 破裂带
zoned sign区位式符号
zoned micas环带云母
oxidation zone[冶] 氧化带,氧化区
dead zone死区(电波不能到达的地区);盲区;[通信] 静区
development zone开发区
transition zone[植] 过渡区;[物] 转变区;移行区
transitional zone过渡带;过渡区
zoned crystal带状晶体
zoned skarn带状硅卡巖
temperate zone[气象] 温带
pay zone付款区;[油气] 产油层
Have you ever zoned out during a lecture? After listening to your teacher or guest speaker several minutes, do you sometimes realize that absolutely nothing is sinking in?
你是否在课堂上走神过?你是否曾在听老师或嘉宾讲了几分钟以后意识到自己啥也没听进去? ?
I go to my classmates Chousi XXX, because he owes me the money has not also gave. I also take classes in the book is zoned chaos.
The city was zoned for factories and residences.
Taketo enforcement of such grip hammer Ji, zoned air-strike case, impassioned.
They zoned the area as residential.
If you use SAN disks for storage, the disks for the Shared volume groups need to be zoned to all nodes.
Zoning can be yet another weapon to use against a clinic; a given piece of land may not be zoned for medical use.
Reading comprehension of the difficult word annotation, increase your reading speed; meet not annotated hard word, also can be zoned word view definition.
The allocation process is again done in a hierarchical zoned way, with each major application requesting a block of addresses from its controller.
While you’re zoned out, the brain activates what neuroscientists have identified as a 「default network」.
In a sense, be our real estate is zoned emerging industry areas.
This area has been zoned as residential.
For example, in Beau Vallon Bay on mahe, there are zoned anchorages and access channels around designated swimming areas.
After bitter and pointless debate, the council zoned the lot for the gas station and the galaxy above the lot for the sign.
Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging, the bitter suffering from hate.
With us, fight, quarrel, fight TV, an toilets, an eating...... just do not work, even the fruit should be zoned stone wash cloth scissors!
However the riparian marshlands and vegetated areas are currently zoned as unspecified USES which may be developed if there are no restricted USES on these ecologically important areas.
Local councils allowed ever more plots to be zoned for urban development, issuing building permits with abandon and receiving fees or a percentage of the land.
First, there has been a big expansion in the area of rainforest designated as national park or indigenous reserve, or zoned exclusively for logging.
You just zoned out; you were somewhere else, and it「s as if you」ve suddenly woken up at the wheel.
I「ve never really been able say why, but perhaps it is because I sense unconsciously that when I」m in one drivers somehow see me as safe, or zoned off, and so in less need of attention.
Note that for the WWPN to appear in this menu, you must have configured and zoned the host correctly in the SAN.
Indeed, one part of the island is being zoned for the construction of theme parks.
The company has built factories on acreage zoned to grow enough food to feed the population. Abuse of the law is common, and the case will be watched closely.