as zooplankton become more abundant and eat more phytoplankton, the population of phytoplankton should shrink.
phytoplankton are the foundation of the aquatic food web, the primary producers, feeding everything from microscopic, animal-like zooplankton to multi-ton whales.
phytoplankton are typically eaten by zooplankton - tiny marine animals - which themselves are prey for small fish and other animals.
however, the results also show that zooplankton should boom in these warmer areas, which could benefit certain fisheries.
now, the zooplankton consume the phytoplankton more quickly than they can multiply, bringing an end to the spring bloom.
eons of subterranean pressure and heat transformed cambrian zooplankton and algae into present-day petroleum fields.
typically, this is a fish-eat-fish affair, with vegetarians like krill taking their place at the bottom (phytoplankton are plants, whereas zooplankton are animals).
whereas many estimates about zooplankton had been based on biomass or functional groups, she has been trying 「to put species back in the equation,」 she says.
cod eat sprats, a small, herring-like species that eat microscopic marine creatures called zooplankton that in turn eat the algae.
the delta smelt lives in brackish water, eats zooplankton and usually grows no longer than three inches (7.6 cm).
she adds that even though overall biological productivity declined as temperature rose, the increase in zooplankton could benefit fish that eat them in nutrient-rich waters.
the seasonal variation of zooplankton biomass was in agreement with that of phytoplankton density.
within the patch, pieces of plastic outweigh zooplankton by a factor of 6 to 1, and are often mistaken by fish and birds for food.
in fact, the ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton rose 10-fold, the team reports in a paper posted online on 25 august in plos biology.
the tubs that got additional nutrients were another story: the zooplankton in warmer water became more abundant while the numbers of phytoplankton fell.