an asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella
zoospore 片语
quadricillate zoospore四鞭毛动孢子
swarmer[微] 游动细胞;游动孢子;蜂群
zoospore e游动孢子
flagellated zoospore具有鞭毛的游动孢子
zoospore liberation游动孢子释放
diplanetic zoospore两游动孢子
primary zoospore初生游胞子
motile zoospore能动游动孢子
abortive zoospore败育动孢子
tinsel zoospore茸鞭式游动孢子
zoospore 例句
its homothallic character was maintained in single sporangium or single zoospore isolates. pathogenic experiments proved that this strain is a typical p. infestans.
经单孢子囊或单游动孢子分离都证明这一特性能保持下来 ,说明该菌是同宗配合交配型。
there was no correlation between zoospore and sporangium yeild in different medium.
the production condition of zoospore of p. sojae was studied. the results showed that the mycelia could be induced to produce sporangia that released zoospores by changing intermittently.