system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster; set forth in the Zend-Avesta; based on concept of struggle between light (good) and dark (evil)
Zoroastrianism 片语
studies of zoroastrianism琐罗亚斯德教研究
zoroastrianism and parsiism琐罗亚斯德教
dualism of Zoroastrianism琐罗亚斯德教二元论
Zoroastrianism deity祆教神祗
zoroastrianism in india印度祆教
middle asia zoroastrianism中亚袄教
Zoroastrianism 例句
Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty, the western part of China in particular.
After centuries of obscurity, the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism had a new visibility, and a symbolic standard to raise.