Zuleika runs along beneath a fallen treetrunk while a gunship tries to hit her with its cannon. It fires rockets and she dives into a pond as the jungle explodes.
Zuleika grabs Josh「s hand and pulls him into the circle of dancers.
NIGHT SHOT, from overhead... we see Josh and Zuleika bowfishing from a dugout canoe over the glowing anemones at the bottom of a pool.
夜景 ( 俯拍 ):我们看见Jake和Neytiri两人坐在一条小舟上用弓捕鱼---池塘的底部有会发光的海葵,弄的整个湖面荧光闪闪。
We see a sequence of vignettes over the next few days, of Josh and Zuleika together, in the village and the forest.
That」s how the clan knew Zuleika had found you.
Zuleika emerges from the water at the edge of a small glade.
It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snake — Zuleika gathers for a leap as — Quaritch raises the gatling gun and — the manticore launches at him and — P-P-P-POOM!
In the burning wreckage of the village Zuleika finds her father's body.