n. 颧骨
adj. 颧骨的,颊骨的
2025-01-07 12:56 浏览次数 1
n. 颧骨
adj. 颧骨的,颊骨的
zygomatic tubercles翻译
zygomatic complex复合体
zygomatic branches[解剖]
Zygomatic approach颧弓入路
zygomatic fossaThe Zygomatic Fossa is an irregularly shaped cavity, situated below and on the inner side of the zygoma; bounded, in front, by the zygomatic surface of the superior maxillary bone and the ridge which descends from its malar process; behind, by the posterior border of the external pterygoid plate and the eminentia articularis; above, by the pterygoid ridge on the outer surface of the great wing of the sphenoid and the under part of the squamous portion of the temporal; below by the alveolar border of the superior maxilla; internally, by the external pterygoid plate; and externally, by the zygomatic arch ramus of the lower jaw. It contains the lower part of the temporal, the External and Internal pterygoid muscles, the internal maxillary artery and vein, and inferior maxillary nerve and their branche
Zygomatic bones[解剖] 颧骨
zygomatic arch[解剖] 颧弓
zygomatic branch颧枝
zygomatic artery颧动脉
zygomatic ligament颧弓韧带
objective to study the selection of surgical incisions of zygomatic fractures .
objective to establish the three-dimensional finite element model of zygomatic complex with masseter forces.
methods based on the former instrument for rapid tiny-hurt traction, reposition and fixation of fracture of zygomatic bone, various aspect have been improved.
measurements included the slope angle of zygomatic body on sagittal sectional image, the maximal horizontal distance from the buccal boundary of maxillary alveolar to outboard of maxillary sinus.
objective:to explore the effective treatment way of orbital zygomatic fracture with diplopia, reduce orbital capacity and regenerate referenced criterion of orbital capacity.
along the way he identified a particular type of smile that engages both the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi — muscles that raise the corners of the mouth and cheeks, respectively.
activation and artifact were reduced in eeg record with zygomatic reference electrode.
methods:113 cases of midface fractures were reviewed. the nasal bone fracture, zygomatic arch fracture, optic nerve contusion, zygomatic maxilla fracture were treated.
methods on 100 cranial bones according to specified methods using vernier to measure the subcutaneous segment of each bone suture that is made by zygomatic bone and approximal bone.
the purpose of the research is that aesthetic study on physical surface of ilium and zygomatic bone by comparicson.
conclusion spiral ct three-dimensional reconstruction measurement can identify the degree of fracture shift exactly instruct and evaluate the operational restoration of zygomatic complex fractures.
objective to observe treatment results of 19 patients suffering from frontal sinus, nasal bone and zygomatic complex fractures.
objective: to discuss the cad/cam techniques in diagnosis and treatment of zygomatic complex fractures.
the zygomatic major muscle that turns the corners of the lips up, and the orbicularis oculi muscle that squeezes the eyes into the famous fanned wrinkles also known as crows feet.
objective: to explore the method to construct three-dimensional finite element model for maxillary posterior-tooth area, maxillary sinus, zygoma and zygomatic implant.
aim to evaluate the instructional effect of spiral ct three-dimensional reconstruction and stereo-measurement on zygomatic complex fracture operation.
objective:to summarize the clinical experiences in the treatment of zygomatic complex fractures using rigid internal fixation with titanium microplates.
objective:to establish a reliable ct metrical method for quantitative diagnosis of unilateral zygomatic complex fractures and deformities.
objective: to explore effective methods for zygomatic complex fracture.
objective to develop facility instrument for rapid tiny-hurt traction, reposition and fixation of fracture of zygomatic bone .
objective to study the application of superciliary arch incision, infraorbital incision and maxillary vestibular incision to the treatment with zygomatic fractures.
the zygomatic major muscle that turns the corners of the lips up, and the orbicularis oculi muscle that squeezes the eyes into the famous fanned wrinkles otherwise known as crows feet.